Here’s a list of websites that provide FREE e-books!
4,600 Public Domain Books – Kindle books available directly from – The Internet Archive was founded to build an Internet library. Its mission is to “include offering permanent access for researchers, historians, scholars, people with disabilities, and the general public to historical collections that exist in digital format.” The Internet Archive offers over 15,000,000 freely downloadable books and texts. There is also a collection of 550,000 modern eBooks that may be borrowed by anyone with a free account.
eBooks AddAll – searches 30+ eBook Web sites: 18 U.S. retailers, 7 U.K. retailers, 1 Australian retailer, five free Web sites. At the bottom of the page are links to browsing several dozen categories, free e-books from Amazon, BN, Sony and Harlequin and Advanced search. Advanced search lets you select by device brand, format, source and sort by price.
Alex Catalogue of Electronic Texts – a collection of public domain and open access documents with a focus on American and English literature as well as Western philosophy.
American Mathematical Society E-books – For over 100 years, the AMS has maintained an active publishing program and is proud to provide one of the most respected collections of mathematical literature in the world. In the interest of increasing the accessibility of this literature, the AMS eBooks program offers a large number of titles in electronic format, allowing for convenient access, portability, searchability, and ease of use. – free and very inexpensive Science Fiction books for your Kindle. – The Harvard Classics are among many free texts offered online at this award-winning site. There are also many classic reference works available here.
“Best Sites for Free Kindle e-Books” – a blog post listing the best sites for Kindle e-books by Christianna Pierce. – This site has over 2,000 free classics. It also has reference books, biographies, and research works. You can read online in your browser. – Bookboon provides online textbooks for students in PDF format. They can be downloaded without registration.
Bookshelf: – The National Library of Medicine’s growing collection of biomedical books that can be searched directly. – BookYards has over 17,000 free ebooks. Their goal is to be the “Library Of The World”. They also provide access to hundreds of online libraries totaling over 800,000 books.
California Free Digital Textbook Initiative FlexBooks for K-12 – The CK-12 Foundation was founded with the mission to enable everyone to learn in his or her own way. The website provides free online textbooks, flashcards, adaptive practice, real world examples and simulations.
Classic Reader: – online library of thousands of free books by authors such as Dickens, Austen, Shakespeare and many others.
Closed Circle – a company made of C. J. Cherryh, Jane Fancher, and Lynn Abbey (Science Fiction/Fantasy authors) has some of their works available for free or inexpensively. They are gradually getting back the rights to their own books.
Combined Arms Research Library Digital Library – CARL Digital Library collection
Connexions – a place to view and share educational material made of small knowledge chunks called modules that can be organized as courses, books, reports, etc. Anyone may view or contribute:
Ebook Exchange is a lending and borrowing marketplace for Kindle™ and Nook™ ebooks.
eBookLobby – free ebooks are divided into different categories. Categories range from business, art, computing and education.
eBooks AddAll – searches 30+ eBook Web sites: 18 U.S. retailers, 7 U.K. retailers, 1 Australian retailer, five free Web sites. At the bottom of the page are links to browsing several dozen categories, free eBooks from Amazon, BN, Sony and Harlequin and Advanced search. Advanced search lets you select by device brand, format, source and sort by price.
eBooks @ Adelaide – University of Adelaide Classic Works of Literature, Philosophy, Science, History and Exploration and Travel – E-Library has a section dedicated to free e-books.
Ellora’s Cave – offers free downloads of some of their titles. These range from short-short stories to novellas and “short novels”. Their content are romances, from their Blush line (sweet, suggestive, or sensual, not erotic) to erotic romances, even GBLT, etc., so there may be items of interest to a variety of patrons.
Ereader News Today – Tips, Tricks, And Free Ebooks For Your Kindle
FeedBooks – a digital library for both public domain and original books. Browsing friendly.
Fictionwise – over 15,000 ebooks in Kindle format as of December 2007 so there’s probably even more now.
FreeBookSpot – 4500 free ebooks in 100 categories. – Another online source for free ebooks. You can also submit your own free ebook here. – 1000s of Free Classic E-books in Kindle-compatible MOBI and PRC formats. – Great site for free tech books such as computer science, engineering and programming, textbooks and lecture notes. – offers thousands of books that can be read online for free. – Hundreds of free e-books from dozens of categories with a lot of free computer programming books.
Girlebooks – a resource for classic and contemporary e-books by female writers. The site is dedicated to the memory of Joyce McDonald who helped found Girlebooks and spent many hours reading and proofreading books for the site.
Globusz is unique in that it offers authors a place to publish their work in open content.
Google Books Search inside full-text online books. Find entire e-books available for free or read snippets of books for purchase.
HathiTrust – Millions of digital books, journals, government documents, and other volumes, from research libraries. Both public domain and in-copyright works across a full range of subjects are included. All items are discoverable, but viewability depends on each individual items copyright status.
Inkmesh – search engine of 34 Web sites offering free and pay eBooks. Browse by eReader or subject. Search by author, title, topic. Narrow searched listings by price, type of content, e.g., ebook, etextbook, newspaper, etc., Amazon rating, type of eReader, language, and exclude public domain. The listing for each title gives title, author, subjects, devices, e.g., Kindle, Nook, iPhone, Android, iPad, etc., short description (if available), and Amazon rating (if available). Clicking a title lists the sites offering the title, free sites at the top of the list, followed by pay sites from least to most expensive. Clicking a Web site goes to the listing on the Web site for downloading. – This is updated twice daily with free books for your Kindle.
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Literature Network
Many literary classics including 1,900 full books, over 3,000 short stories and poems by over 250 authors. A large selection of ebooks and an easy to use site. Books are downloadable in many formats including Kindle. Many books is a digital library that takes e-books from Project Gutenberg, the Internet Archive, and other free sources and converts them to file formats suitable for e-readers. Browsing friendly. – There is a nice selection from the free ebooks section of MobiPocket.
Munsey’s – contains some good books in Kindle format.
NCBI E-books – Bookshelf provides free online access to books and documents in life science and healthcare. Search, read, and discover.
On-Line Books Page at the University of Pennsylvania, is a portal connecting to over 900,000 free books on the Web, in many formats.
Online Library of Liberty: – The Library is where electronic versions of classic books about individual liberty are stored. These texts go back some 4,000 years and cover the disciplines of economics, history, law, literature, philosophy, political theory, religion,
Open Textbook Catalog FROM StudentPIRGs – Open textbooks are college texts offered online under a license that allows free digital access, low-cost print options and customization by instructors.
Perseus Digital Library – Online collection of classic writings from antiquity from Tufts University Classics Department.
Project Gutenberg – a volunteer effort to digitize and archive cultural works and to encourage the creation and distribution of e-Books. Containing over 100,000 literary works which are in the public domain.
Wikibooks – open-content books offered in multiple languages